I’m delighted to be featured in this month’s issue of Research-Technology Management, which is focused on digital innovation.
I was interviewed by Editor-in-chief, James Euchner. We had a fascinating conversation on how digital is transforming the practice of strategy and innovation, and how leaders can keep pace with change. Much of it covers topics from my forthcoming book, which I’m finishing this fall.
Topics we discussed include:
- The three ways technology is impacting strategy
- Lessons from Amazon Web Services for innovation beyond your core
- Why digital transformation is not about technology
- The Three Paths to Growth for legacy businesses
- How to compete when you’re on someone else’s platform
- Lessons from Ford Motors on accelerating digital innovation
- Building a Corporate Innovation Stack to scale growth
- Lessons from GE Digital on management overreach
- Driving strategy from the bottom up
- Rethinking leadership for the digital era
I’m happy to share 50 free downloads of my interview with this link:
Purchase the article or the full issue at https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/urtm20/65/5