I am thrilled to share news with you of my next book, the product of years of research, learning alongside business leaders, and countless hours of (re)writing: “THE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION ROADMAP: Rebuild Your Organization for Continuous Change”

I have just received the final digital files that were transmitted to the printers… meaning that the book is on its way to warehouses around the world!
THANK YOU to the numerous business leaders I’ve intersected with over the years—in the classroom, in the board room, and onstage at events. This book would not have been possible without the questions you raised, the experiences you shared, and the invitations to collaborate and advise you on your own journeys of digital transformation.
A small favor?
If you are considering buying the book—for yourself, your team, your boss, your spouse—please go ahead and pre-order the book right now on Amazon.
Yes, it won’t ship for a few more weeks, but… as any author will tell you, it is a BIG DEAL for the launch of a new book how many of its initial orders are placed BEFORE the publication date. (Trust me, it’s all about the algorithms)
I will be eternally grateful if you do.
In fact, my team is planning right now a special invitation-only thank you for those who do pre-order the book…