New Study: Marketers Struggle with “Big Data” & Digital Tools
March 20th, 2012 by David Rogers
I am delighted to release the results of a major new study I’ve just completed on the changing practices of large corporations in: usage of “big data”, marketing measurement and ROI, and the integration of digital and traditional marketing. (Download here.) I co-authored the study with Professor Don Sexton, on behalf of Columbia’s Center on Global […]
Read MoreThe Rise of the Networked Organization
December 13th, 2011 by David Rogers
The rapid adoption of social media and mobile computing is transforming how businesses in every industry relate to their customers. From marketing, to brand management, to customer loyalty programs, business is adapting to the digital behaviors of customers and learning a new paradigm: the “customer network.” But customer networks are not only found outside the […]
Read MoreThe Future of the Social Web: Social Graphs vs. Interest Graphs
October 28th, 2011 by David Rogers
Social networks seemed poised to take over the Web. This year, Facebook reached 800 million users. LinkedIn went public in a blockbuster stock offering. Twitter produced a billion tweets per week. And Google launched its own social network, Google+, attracting 25 million users in one month. Amid the continued growth of these social networks, there […]
Read MoreRethinking the Marketing Funnel in a World of Social Media
October 9th, 2011 by David Rogers
As the adoption of social media, mobile computing and new digital behaviors continues to deepen, businesses today are faced with the challenge of rethinking many of their basic strategic paradigms. In thinking about customers, businesses are facing a shift from a paradigm of individual customers to one of customer networks. At the same time, many […]
Read MoreFive Strategies for Business Growth in a World of Customer Networks
December 9th, 2010 by David Rogers
In a world awash in digital technologies, customers have changed. From our smartphones to our social networks, today’s digital tools link all of us in a web of constant interaction that is changing our relationships to each other, and to organizations of all kinds. To thrive in our digital age, businesses need to re-imagine their […]
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